Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Summarised '2d in the future' Research

2d In the Future

This is a summary of all the research we have found. All of this is necessary for our presentation. We have also provided links underneath each specific part of research to show were we found out about it.

From all of our research we have found out that most 2d jobs are mainly popular outside feature films. Although there have been quite a few 2d feature films in the past couple of years this still isn’t the best job source. From researching into many different areas of the industry we found that 2d is within such areas as Games, Cartoons, Phone apps and advertisement.

Games: Many games are coming out with a 2d animated style. From looking around many game industries, the games being produced within 2d are usually the cheaper games you buy from Playstation Network or Xbox Live. This shows an increase for 2d within games which is only getting more popular within the future

Another huge area within games for 2d is within pre-production. 2d is needed in many areas which coincide with the 2d job options. This includes such jobs as Concept Artist, Storyboard Artist, UI designer, Background painter, Animation director, etc. All of these jobs apply for 3d games as well.

Cartoons: Are also a huge area for 2d. Many cartoons have moved into 3d but the majority of them are still produced within 2d. This supplies a great number of jobs for 2d animators.

http://nick.co.uk/info/jobs/work_experience.html - work experience with Nickelodeon

Phone Apps: In the past few years phone applications have become incredibly popular with smart phone users. As this market grows more and more opportunities are given to 2d animators. The majority of phone apps are produced in 2d as they have specific specifications to work with. This ranges from games to helpful application tools for everyday use. It also produces and opportunity for networking. The creative ideas for apps are limitless.

The main thing about the phone app industry is that anyone can do it. After researching into Apple’s Iphone applications, all they require you to do is pay a $300 fee per year. This allows you to develop, test and distribute your application. Because this is so cheap you could easily start up your own business.

The new windows phone 7 has now started letting anyone create applications. I have found an interesting blog informing us how to get the rights to produce applications legally for Microsoft. This does require you to apply and register, but once doing that you are free to create apps.

https://pubcenter.microsoft.com/ - Registration website

Advertisement: Lately more advertisements have been produced in 2d. This is due to a late trend in 2d animation. At the moment 2d is on a rise and is being used in many different industries. I have been looking around the internet for examples of were 2d has been used for animation

http://www.happyhourproductions.co.uk/tv-commercials-production.html - Produce a range of live action, 2d and 3d adverts. There main 2d advert being ‘Cookie Crisp’

http://www.markmasonanimation.co.uk/television_commercials.html - This company has produced many 2d adverts


From our research we have mainly found out that jobs can be quite scarce within 2d feature films but that doesn’t mean 2d animation has completely gone. It has just become more popular within different industries. Just from this summarised sheet I have linked many opportunities for 2d within different industries, which shows there still is room for 2d. Even if it is difficult to get straight into an animation job, there are many options still open. (This will be shown on the ‘job options’ page).
Within the future 2d still has room to grow even though it is being dominated by the 3d industry in feature films. Although with today’s current situation in Britain, it is still very difficult to get work within animation. It is advised to try and get work abroad, just for the experience. As this will provide you with a greater chance of finding a animation job in Britain.

Richard Collins

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